Tuesday, 27 September 2011

An introduction to me

Well, it had to happen sometime.
For years I have been mulling over whether or not to give this blogging malarkey a try and, after a coffee with a business associate I thought, 'what the hell, what have I got to lose.' And at the moment it seems as though nothing is the right answer.
You see, it's been a pretty tough few weeks for a hard-working business journalist such as myself. While the rest of the world has been wondering what the future (if any) of the Euro Zone is, I have been frantically searching the internet and my contacts to get myself a new job. Having been made redundant from a publication a few weeks ago I have been busy re-inventing myself as a writer for hire, with some interest.
My personal inbox has never been busier, or should I say my sent items folder has never been busier, with hundreds of new-and-improved-after-not-being-touched-for-years CV being sent out to hundreds of prosepective employers and plenty of interest coming back.
But (and I know you will have heard this hundreds of times before) but times really are tough out there. Anyone who says the recession is over is living on Mars, quite frankly. Recession as a technicality may well be a thing of the past but the re-building of a shattered economy is not built in a day, or a week, or a month for that matter. It can take years. Much like building up a successful career.
This is part of the reason blogs can be a good thing for a person looking for a new career. While there has been interest in my work, there is still a chance to stake your claim to a new audience.
So, here I am. Nick Hyde, almost 34 (which is still late twenties/earlies 30s at a push), happily married zebra finch and gecko owner, living on the Fylde and the world still very much at my feet.
I'm blathering, probably because this is my first blog and I am still getting my head around it all.
Here is what I know at this moment. The UK manufacturing has been dealt another nail in its coffin after hundreds of jobs in Warton and Samlesbury in Lancashire were chopped by BAE Systems today. A company myself and my family have an affiliation with due to it being the reason we left the south of England and settled "up north". I know only too well what it's like to lose your job so my heart goes out to those who have been threatened with the same thing.
I also know that while redundancy can tear your life apart it can also be the start of a new chapter in your life. While the job offers might not be flowing in I am in the process of carrying out new projects, making new contacts and frequenting with old ones.
Only last week I had a meeting with Excellent UK, a well-known brand on the Fylde and am helping them launch a new product which, when it is a success, will change the outlook for hundreds if not thousands of companies and individuals across Lancashire. Watch this space.
Right, I have blathered on long enough, time to sign off, for now.
If you have got this far then please check out my online CV here www.jasoncurtis.co.uk/nik
and also this little ditty http://www.discount-deal-of-the-day.com/dashboard/blackpool

Cheers for now.


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